The sixth annual Mount Robson Marathon was a smashing success, and had a fair amount of local representation throughout its four races.

Though the marathon nearly reached its registration capacity of 500, a total of 404 people actually participated over the four races.
“We were really happy with this year’s turnout,” says Patricia Thoni, one of the marathon’s organizers.
Local girl, Isis Hiroe placed first in the kids race, while local man, Rudi Thoni placed first in the Half Marathon 60+ category with a time of 01:50:35, according to Patricia.
Unfortunately, Rudi’s age did not register correctly on the Sports Stats website, Patricia says, which ultimately placed Greg Slatter first in the 60+ category with a time of 01:57:12.
The 50 KM Ultra race had 144 participants in total, with the fastest time belonging to Alistair Hill (Men 19-39-year old category) at 04:06:51. Michelle Katchur Roberts was the first woman (Female 19-39-year-old category) to cross the finish line at 04:49:25.

Michelle Katchur Robers
is the first woman to finish the Ultra this year, posting a time of 04:49:25.
The Half Marathon had 137 total participants, having Cordell Klarenbach (Men 19-39-year-old category) finishing first with a time of 01:22:46. The first woman to finish was Nicole May (Female 19-39-year-old category), posting a time of 01:34:04.
“I am so tired,” says Laura Davies, who ran the 25 KM Half Marathon in just over two hours, noting her partner, Wolfgang Sterr ran the Ultra. The pair drove from Whistler to do the run.
The Kinney Lake 12 KM saw 85 total participants; with Nicholas Znak (Men 19-39-year-old category) take home first with a time of 01:04:52. Jenna Jackson was the first woman to finish (Female 19-39-year-old category), posting a time of 01:12:02.
The Flatlander 5 KM had 38 total participants, Derek Johnston (Men 19-39-year-old category) finished first with a time of 00:28:07. Local, Kirsten Nash was the first woman to finish (Female 19-39-year-old category),

A stunning shot of Mount Robson

Laura Davies is tired from running the Half, and sits with her dog, Pebble, as she waits for
her partner, Wolfgang Sterr to finish the Ultra.

The Berg Glacier, which runners would have seen from the trail as they approached Hargreaves Shelter.