Valemount’s Village Council has appointed an Emergency Management Coordinator.

Mark Macneill, chief administrative officer for the village, will take on the added duties.”  The duties of the position are described in a village staff report as “facilitating emergency preparedness, response and recovery measures.”

The Village administration did not give a response to The Goat when asked what would be done to facilitate the preparedness, response and recovery.

To date, the position had not been filled, however the Village of Valemount Emergency Measures Bylaw, number 428, requires that ‘The Village of Valemount Municipal Council shall appoint a Valemount Emergency Coordinator’.

“It is legislated that we” appoint” someone,” Councillor Owen Torgerson said to council. “We better be doing that.”

Two months ago at the May 24 council meeting, Counc. Peter Reimer suggested it was time to look at the emergency preparedness in Valemount.

Reimer said due to extensive earthquake damage, parts of New Zealand still haven’t recovered to the way things were before there were major earthquakes, such as the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, which claimed 185 lives.

The mainland here in B.C., Canada, is due for a major earthquake, according to Counc. Reimer, which sparked his push to review emergency protocol.

“It’s not an if, it’s a when,” Reimer said to council in his May 24 report. “I hope it’s not in our lifetime.”

Counc. Reimer told The Goat he was unavailable for further comment by press deadline.