Adults will get to pump some iron in Steve Kolida Park this summer, thanks to a Healthy Communities grant from Northern Health.
Karen DubÔ© applied for the grant on behalf of the Village of McBride. The $6343.32 will go towards installing a Multi-Fit, which is a piece of outdoor exercise equipment for adults.
“It gives adults and teenagers and seniors something physical to do while they’re at the park,” she says. “We don’t really have anything in the park that’s targeted to them.”
The equipment allows users to do sit-ups, pull-ups and other strength exercises.
She says the equipment will be usable for three seasons and is free to use at any time of day. The fitness centre in the rec centre, on the other hand, is closed evenings and weekends.
In her application, DubÔ© noted there are limited options for organized sports in town and the Village wants to provide healthy, outdoor fitness options for adults, seniors and young adults who might otherwise miss out.
She says the equipment should encourage relationship building between generations – grandparents keeping an eye on their grandchildren in the playground can, at the same time, get a little exercise themselves.
DubÔ© says they are shooting to have it installed by Pioneer Days, June 3-5th.