By: Laura Keil
Tourism Valemount has released the winners of their Summer Photo Contest 2015.
The winners are as follows: Summer Events Category: 1. Marie Birkbeck (rodeo) 2. Beth Russell (Mount Robson Marathon). Wildlife Category: 1. Beth Russell (Deer), 2. Paul Johnson (Squirrel) and 3. Justin Hooke (Eagle). Scenery Category: 1.Justin Hooke (Cranberry Marsh) 2. Beth Russell (Fall of the Pools) 3. Paul Johnson (Kinney Lake). Activities and People: 1. Andreas Thoni (Red Biker) 2. Danny Roberts (Green Biker) 3. Curtis Pawliuk (Curtis/Zoe fishing).
Tourism Valemount will use all entered photos in their promotional campaigns throughout the year. It is planning another photo contest for winter photos. Stay tuned for details.