In response to the Horseshoe Lake letter published July. 30th 2015.
Horseshoe Lake is a marshy oxbow channel of the Fraser River in a natural state. This is an attractive destination, easily accessible, very popular with bird watchers in late spring and summer migrations where you may see norther harriers, ospreys, grebes, song sparrows, common yellowthroats, kingfishers, warblers, Canada geese and a wide variety of duck species. There is an observation platform, gazebo and picnic tables.
Robson Valley Tourism (RVT), a subcommittee of McBride & District Chamber, was awarded an operation agreement in 2014 for Horseshoe Lake from the Regional District. It is RVT that currently maintains Horseshoe Lake Bird Sanctuary under the terms of the agreement and we are working closely with BC Ducks Unlimited and other regulatory agencies in an effort to restore bird habitat – increasing water levels and water flow will help reduce lily pad growth.
Since 2014, RVT has installed a new interpretive sign, repaired fencing and boardwalk, and hired a local contractor to maintain the grounds. Grant funds will be applied for to create and install additional educational-interpretive panels at the gazebo to help visitors identify birds, grasses and surrounding points of interest as seen from the viewing platform. The local chapter of Ducks Unlimited has shown interested in putting in a wheel chair ramp and helping with a memorial bench or wheelchair accessible picnic table.
Robson Valley Tourism is proud of the improvements already completed and will continue to work with regulatory agencies, recreation groups and the public on major improvement to this recreation site. For more information on recreation sites please view; www.visitmcbride.ca or email [email protected]
Robson Valley Tourism
Bill Arnold, Chair