Valemountain Community Sports Day Association is the organization responsible for planning your summer festival the biggest annual party in Valemount.
We have made a delegation to the Village of Valemount expressing our intent to go cautiously forward with Valemountain Days onJune 12, 13, 14. We developed and presented a proposal to CBT for a youth Initiative program to ease some of the burden from our volunteers. We have confirmation that the Loggers will be a go, as will be the Slow Pitch Tournament. Pageant registration forms have been sent out through the schools, with a deadline of March 30. The Rock Wall and the Bouncy castles have been booked for the weekend.
But we still do not have enough volunteers around the Board Room table to share the workload. It is time to make some hard and fast decisions on what the weekend program is going to look like. Do we push through with the standard 3 day weekend festival? Or do we downsize to Friday night and Saturday? Do not let the opportunity to have your say pass you by.
Marie Birkbeck
Valemount, BC