A new study could help Valemountonians decide whether or not to include the proposed Valemount Glacier Destinations resort within village limits.
On May 21st, Council moved to commission a study about whether to incorporate the proposed resort into the Village.
A bigger tax base would be offset with the responsibility to provide village services such as water, sewer and garbage, among other things.
Valemount’s Economic Development Officer Silvio Gislimberti notes in a report to council that the study would likely look at three options: not incorporating the resort; incorporating it as a satellite area; incorporating it as a contiguous part of the village.
He says the study should benchmark with other communities that have had similar developments built nearby; a cost/benefit analysis; a risk analysis; and alternatives and the consequences of no extension, a boundary extension or satellite incorporation. Valemount may develop into a commercial and service gateway to a major mountain resort area. With each option the employment base, housing and commercial real estate needs would change significantly.
After the completion of a boundary extension study, the Village – in cooperation with the regional district – may need to apply for an additional land planning study to prepare for future population, labour force, and number of dwellings change, and the land required to satisfy new and various community uses. A new Official Community Plan may also address new community design guidelines, future infrastructure needs, and new zoning guidelines.
At the end of April, Village staff members had a meeting with the Mountain Resorts Branch, the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and regional district representatives. The idea for commissioning a study on the boundary extension came out of that meeting.
Gislimberti notes that the Mountain Resorts Branch will host a presentation of the development process in Valemount in late May or early June. The presentation will be open to the public.
By: Laura Keil