Danielea Castell is a sacred singer, workshop facilitator and performance artist. She wants to bring awareness to the amazing properties of water and our relationship to this element.
Castell will be holding several events in Valemount March 8-10th 2013, including a water ceremony at the Fraser River, performance of water songs and a soundweaving workshop.
Castell says what makes soundweaving isn’t a special musical skill, but a willingness to fully feel love and gratitude in your heart and share openly. She says being ‘in tune’ with yourself creates the connecting bond to the natural world.
Castell’s last SoundWeaving Water weekend was in Quesnel. Out of 20 people at the Water Ceremony there were three children around 5 years old.
“They delighted in finding special stones to add to the community water altar and enthusiastically gave their organic offerings to the river.”
She says teaching respect for nature to children through self-created ceremony and songs is a simple way to ensure future generations manage natural resources sustainably.
Castell’s background is facilitating improvisational forms of educational theatre. Her career as a sacred singer and chant leader began in 2005 when a personal health issue led her to devotional music and mantra. The integration of voice and spirit was the key to unlocking Danielea’s motivation for singing her love for the sacred in all life. Accompanied by her little red harmonium (hand-pumped organ), the frame drum and inspired by her special bond with nature Danielea developed a spiritual practice for communicating love and gratitude to nature she calls soundweaving. Originally focused for two years on soundweaving with trees Danielea was guided to shift her focus to water last spring
“I brought a mason jar of water into my home on Aug. 31, 2012 in preparation for a public Water Ceremony I was offering at the Fraser River for BC Rivers Day. I seem to have gained a roommate and a teacher. Water is teaching me how to ‘go with the flow’ and forgive myself and others easily.”
She says she is very committed to giving back to water for what she receives from it every day. The workshops and water ceremonies are her way of encouraging people to express their love and gratitude directly to water at home and in nature.
Friday March 8 – 7:30pm – Danielea Castell in concert – Anglican United Church – $15 at door
Sat/Sun March 9 & 10 – SoundWeaving Water workshop – Golden Years Hall 9:30am – 5:30pm and 10:00am – 1:00pm – registration required – $150
Sunday March 10 – 3:00pm – Community Water Ceremony at the Fraser River – Old Tete Jaune Bridge Free – Everyone Welcome *See website for what to bring
Contact: Jan Tait 250-968-4393 [email protected]