Rick Korejwo is Valemount Taxi.
He has received his plates and is ready to begin shuttling Valemount residents and tourists. It’s been several years since Valemount has had a public taxi service.
Korejwo says the valley requires it, and he’s starting the operation to serve the community.
“It’s community minded. I’d love to see this place grow. Look at the amount of building space here.”
Korejwo plans to charge $12 taxes included to shuttle someone anywhere within Valemount, or within 5 km. Beyond 5km, he will charge $2/km for the entire run.
He also plans to offer a delivery service – anything from groceries, to liquor to cigarettes. The rates will be around $6 per delivery, taxes included.
Korejwo speaks English and French, says he has good knowledge of local geography, history and Canadiana.
“I will be able to welcome the tourists like they should be welcome,” he says. “That’s the mindset I carry for the job itself.”
He has licensed a seven-passenger Grand Caravan that can fit up to six passengers.
It means a $40 trip to Tete-Jaune, for instance, need only cost six riders $7 each.
He has the license to travel as far as Kamloops, Prince George and the Alberta border.
He plans to take appointments in advance, and normal working hours will be 3 p.m. – 2 a.m. to catch the bar closing, but the business will dictate what the hours are, he adds.
Many bar owners have noticed a decline in business since the stricter drinking and driving laws came into effect in recent years.
Korejwo says drinking and driving need not happen on his watch.
He can be reached at 250-566-4354.