By Raphael Jamin
Most kids grow up wanting to be super heroes and save the world. Some, in their own fashion, succeed at doing so. One such person is a young lady named Anne-Marie Jamin.
You may have read about her in older papers as she cycled across Canada, the USA, and part of Mexico to fundraise for a small clinic in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala called Primeros Pasos. Now that she has finished that trip, she is preparing for her next great challenge.
She has been accepted to the University of Alberta’s prestigious Masters in Public Health Program, where only about 10 per cent of applicants get into the course, and plans to specialize in Global Health.
The cost for this program is high but her recently won $ 10,800 Queen Elizabeth II scholarship has helped pay for a big chunk.
“When I got the message that the dean wanted to talk to me, I thought ‘oh no he’s going to say I’m not smart enough for the course’ but when I
called him he told me I had won the scholarship.”
The requirements for this scholarship were to have extremely high grades in previous university courses as well as being heavily involved in the community. The scholarship is also usually offered to only second year students but not this year.
To meet the requirements needed to complete this program, Jamin will be journeying to Rural Uganda to organize a community retroviral treatment program.
“When I finish this program, I would like to become involved with Maternal and child health in developing countries,” Jamin says.
Even though she is not going to be leaping tall buildings or flying to the rescue, her future career plans are leading her towards saving many lives.